Safe web fonts
Download Free Fonts - Search Free Fonts. Search Free Fonts has largest Free Fonts selection on the web. Over 13000 free fonts for Windows and Mac available to download. Free Fonts are categorized and sorted. The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property, and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him/her if in doubt.
A very nice discussion of the history of typefaces is taken from and archived here.
Another font comparison pageis here,archived here. The same site hasmore excellentinformation about fonts here,archived here.

Another document cross-linking fonts is here.
The fonts that are most safe to use are:
Other options that usually work cross-platform are:
- Palatino
- Garamond
- Bookman
- Avant Garde
Fonts that work on Windows and MacOS but not Unix+X are:
- Verdana
- Georgia
- Comic Sans MS
- Trebuchet MS
- Arial Black
- Impact
Common sans-serif fonts
Helvetica is the granddaddy here, but Arial is more common onmodern OS's.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Helvetica is a sans-serif font. It is a good choice for shorttext, perhaps a paragraph or two in length. Unix and Macintoshcomputers have had always had Helvetica, and it is a native fonton PostScript printers.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Arial is near-copy of Helvetica, updated slightly. Windows usesArial in place of Helvetica.
Common serif fonts
Times is the grand-daddy of serif fonts, but Times New Roman ismore common on recent OS's.

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Times (also called Times Roman) is the traditional seriffont. It is available on Macintosh and Unix computers, and is acore PostScript font. Times was designed for use as newspapercolumn text. It has a small size, compared to most other fonts.
Times New Roman
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Times New Roman is Microsoft's version of Times. It is availableon Windows computers, and most Macintosh computers.
Common monospace fonts
Designed to mimic typewritten output, these fonts are often usedwhen writing code. Courier is the grand-daddy, while most recentOS's have Courier New.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Courier is the traditional monospace font. It is available onMacintosh and Unix computers, and is a core PostScript font.
Courier New
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Courier New is Microsoft's version of Courier. Most Windows andMacintosh computers will have Courier New.
Less-common sans-serif fonts
Verdana is popular, but still new to the scene. Tahoma's styleis half-way between Verdana and Arial. Comic Sans MS is oftenliked for its informal feel. Avante Garde is big and spacious.Impact and Arial Black are both designed for titles andheadings. All of the fonts in this section suffer from theproblem that most Unix machines don't have the fonts.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
From around 2000 until mid-2002, Microsoft distributed a set ofWeb-optimized fonts, for free use. They have stopped allowingdownloads, but still ship the fonts with Windows. Verdana is asans-serif replacement. Its lowercase letters are very large,compared to the overall size of the font, which makes text easyto read on the web.
Unfortunately, the stretching of Verdana lowercase letters hastwo drawbacks. One issue is that the stretched letters don'tlook quite right when printed—compare them to Arial, forexample. The other problem is that some people don't have theVerdana font, and these people may have trouble reading a webpage that uses Verdana. The problem is that while 9 ptVerdana is readable, 9 pt Arial is not readable, and aperson who doesn't have Verdana will probably have their webbrowser choose Arial as the substitute font.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Tahoma is another of Microsoft's web fonts. It is not as widelyavailable as Verdana or Arial are.
Arial Black

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Arial Black is a version of Arial designed for headlines.
Comic Sans MS
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Comic Sans MS is a sans-serif font with a soft, rounded style.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Impact is a Microsoft Web font, designed for headlines.
Avant Garde

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Avant Garde or Century Gothic. HP Printers call this AvantGarde Gothic.
Less-common serif fonts
Georgia is a web-optimized serif font, but is still a newcomer.Palatino is as old and established as Times is, butlooks terrible on recent Unixsystems. Century Schoolbook, Garamond, and Bookman seem to beavailable on Unix systems, but I am not sure how widespread theyare on Windows/Mac systems.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Georgia is a Microsoft Web font. It has serifs but also haslarge lowercase letters, similar to Verdana. It is a nicelyreadable screen font, but has the same problems that Verdanadoes: it looks bad when printed, and paged designed for Georgiawill look bad if rendered in Times, because of the difference inletter size.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Palatino is a less-commonly used serif font. It is available onMacintosh and Unix computers, and is a core PostScript font. Itis available on Windows computers under alternate font names.
Palatino was originally designed as a display font—forexample, to be used in lettering on signs. Nevertheless, itis commonly used to set body text.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Bookman, also called Bookman Old Style.Not shipped with WinXP. Shipped with MS Office 2000.
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Garamond. There are a lot of variants of this font.Not shipped with WinXP.
Century Schoolbook
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Century Schoolbook is a core postscript font. You cannot rely onits being present on Windows computers.Not shipped with WinXP.
Less-common monospace fonts
Andale Mono is similar to Verdana and Georgia; it is a new font,not widespread, and not available on Unix or on some Windows computers.
Andale Mono
ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Andale Mono is yet another Microsoft's monospace typeface. Ithas some resemblance to Monaco.Not shipped with WinXP.
It can sometimes be a great headache for the designers to find a perfect font for their project. Sometimes these fonts come with a heavy price and nobody wants to pay for that. This post is all about reducing your headache of searching for free fonts across different websites. I am going to list the best free websites that you can download free fonts without having to pay a single penny.
Good font is extremely important for a project to give it a perfect finishing look. If your project is good but the font is very tacky then trust me your project will never be appreciated the way it should be. All the hard-work will go down the drain.
Now there are plenty of websites on the web which offer you free fonts but the major issue is that the fonts are not very good. They just suck most of the times and it is a very time-consuming job to find the perfect fonts websites. Sometimes the fonts are too cheesy or too bold or too tacky that you don’t ever want to use them in your website.
So, I have hand-picked 22 of the best free fonts websites that you can go and check out. They provide you with tons of fonts and you can also preview them before downloading. You will definitely find something for your projects according to your taste. Good luck!
Free Typography
Free Typography is a stunning website which offers you a wide range of gorgeous fonts. You can also see the trending fonts, free fonts and exclusive fonts on the homepage where you can download your favorite font by choosing from the font images. Free Typography has a little yet excellent accumulation of select fonts that any fashioner would be pleased to have highlighted in their mockups, undertakings, and outlines.
Fonts Download For Mac
There are a considerable measure of font styles to browse on Free Typography, regardless of whether you’re scanning for something straightforward or a more one of a kind typeface. The site likewise welcomes you to present your own font, which is a decent approach to develop your portfolio. It’s great to sift through all the awful fonts first; this blog just highlights font styles endorsed by the blog notices.

1001 Fonts
This website provides you a vast collection of different stunning fonts for your projects. It provides you a lot of options to choose your font like the category, size, type, dimensions etc which is pretty helpful. You will be able to download high-quality fonts in no time. There are also helpful comments below the fonts which let you know the reviews about it. They additionally have a particular segment of fonts that are for business utilize as it were.
You can get to the business textual styles specifically from this connection. One thing to note is that the character outline the font site pages don’t generally precisely speak to the characters that accompany the fonts. Some of them demonstrate the font as having not very many characters yet when introduced have the full set. This site additionally has a record choice in the event that you anticipate turning into a successive client.
This is a website which lets you download commercial fonts for free and it is an old and famous website for fonts. You can find different fonts in different categories. You can also view a specific font in different sizes before downloading it. There are a lot of categories of fonts available and you will definitely find the kind of font you’re looking for in this website.
Further, there are a considerable measure of conceivable points of interest to incorporate with fonts, yet this site doesn’t generally incorporate them. On the other hand, you’ll discover a wide range of insane dingbat and image text style accumulations on here. In case you will look with the expectation of complimentary business fonts on this site, it’s presumably best to begin with a classification. The site has been around for quite a while, and its age and limited site configuration truly appears.
Font Squirrel
This is a great website where you can download free fonts for personal and commercial use. You can also get the font you need by filtering the search results. It also provides a lot of categories for your to choose from. You can also check out the fonts which are popular, recently added and a lot more categories. In the event that you have a particular class you’d get a kick out of the chance to seek, pick your alternatives on the right-hand side.
The download procedure is additionally the most direct. Essentially tap the download catch alongside the text style you’ve picked, unfasten it, and double tap the .otf or .ttf record to introduce. The greater part of fonts on this site are accessible for business use. So you don’t need to stress over modifying your pursuit choices on their site in any shape or frame.
My Fonts
This is a website where you can get paid as well as free fonts of great variety. MyFonts has a gigantic gathering of fonts styles accessible for procurement – serif, sans-serif, show, blackletter, and so on. You can find stunning fonts by looking at the pictures on the homepage or you can just search for them. You will definitely find the font that you are looking for in this website.
You can select a font permit in light of your needs. We offer desktop, web, versatile application, ePub, and server font styles. Aso scan for font styles by foundry, fashioner, value, client rating, specialized specs, and that’s just the beginning. Furthermore, not exclusively would you be able to buy fonts, they likewise have a few fonts accessible for nothing and in addition an incredible font style.
Urban Fonts
Urban Fonts allows you to download free fonts easily. You can see a lot of options and categories when you open the website where you can select any category you would like to see. It also has a collection of latest, Top 100, Authors etc where you will find all the related fonts. There is also a section of Latest Fonts down below where you can choose the font you like. Urban Fonts has a broad gathering of free and premium fonts accessible for download.
A cool component of the site that likewise exists on some other textual style locales is that you can enter any coveted content to see the how a specific word, express, title, and so forth would show up utilizing each font style that you peruse.
Chank is another free fonts website. You can also view the top fonts and the free fonts where you will find creative fonts for your projects. This website has a collection of very cool fonts. It allows you to preview the font before downloading it. Chank is a font configuration firm that spotlights on offering their in-house font styles, and notwithstanding making custom font styles for organizations that need to claim every one of the rights, however they additionally offer a determination of their plans for nothing.
Safe Fonts To Download
These fonts are on the whole select to and ought not be redistributed under any conditions. They are free for you to use for your very own, recreational utilizations, yet you should buy a permit on the off chance that you wish to utilize them economically.
Font Zone
Font Zone is a very cool website which has over more than 50,000 free fonts that you can download without paying a single penny. FontZone is another wellspring of free font style downloads. You can find a lot of different types of fonts like brush stroked fonts, hand-writing, cutesy and so many more types. You can also view the categories on your homepage and choose from there.
You can also view the font before downloading it. All fonts can be seen before you download them so you can perceive what custom content will look like under a specific textual style sort. It has more than 50,000 fonts in various classes so you can discover shadow, content, penmanship, design, pixel, cutesy, techno, and adjusted textual styles, among numerous different sorts. Enlistment is discretionary in light of the fact that it’s not required to have a record to download these fonts.
Font Fabric
Font fabric is a great website to find some free fonts as well as download some fonts at very low price. Fabric is a website that offers a variety of high caliber and frequently restrictive fonts, the greater part of which are accessible for nothing download. It has a collection of stunning fonts that you can use in your projects.
You also have the option to review your font before downloading it. On the off chance that you can’t locate an awesome free font on some of these bigger locales, you certainly need to ensure you’re checking in with some font style foundries. Every single free font on the site, except for “Aristocrat” and “Muller Narrow”, are accessible for both individual and business use.
Google Fonts
This is a top free and great website for fonts where you can use the fonts for free and modify them according to your choice. You have a vast variety of fonts on the homepage where you might find what you’re looking for. You can also check/uncheck the categories for what kind of font type you’re looking for. The greater part of the fonts on the Google Fonts site are open source.
You can alter them or utilize them for business use, and they are for the most part free. The one defeat to this site is that the classifications are not particular, particularly in case you’re searching for something special. The show font styles classification contains everything that isn’t serif, sans serif, penmanship, or monospace. The good thing is you can download an accumulation of fonts that you like as a gathering. Look through
Acid Fonts
This website allows you to choose from different categories for the font you are looking for. You also have the options to search for a specific font type that you’re looking for. It allows you to preview your selection before downloading it. You can also see some of the latest fonts on the homepage. Acid Fonts has various classifications of free font styles that you can peruse through to discover the fonts you need.
On the off chance that perusing isn’t your thing then you can likewise seek by watchword. The messiness free look to Acid Fonts may be fit for your abilities on the off chance that you definitely recognize what you’re searching for and simply need to discover a font style quick.
Font Shop
Font Shop is a really cool website with a bright colorful interface. You can search for the font that you’re looking for through a search bar or you can select a category below the search bar like Best Sellers, New Fonts, Web Fonts, Free Fonts etc. It also gives you the option to preview your font before downloading it.
This website offers fonts, yet in addition includes a gathering of remarkable free fonts for download. As of late included font styles are set at the highest priority on the rundown. Just login to your FontShop account, click ‘Purchasing Options’ (change to ‘Styles’ at the base), select the free styles, checkout and appreciate! Some of the foundries offer single styles of their best typeface families at no charge, exchanging a portion of the plans’ potential future incentive to you here in the present.
Abstract Fonts
Abstract Fonts is a great website where you can find thousands of fonts for free. You just have to click on a font to get more information about it. Abstract Fonts isn’t generally constrained to quite recently conceptual font styles: they have more than 10,000 free textual styles of different kinds. It also makes you preview the font before downloading it.
There is a list of popular fonts till the end on homepage where you can choose it from there or search it in the search bar. On the off chance that you turn into an enlisted part at dynamic font styles, which isn’t required yet is totally free, you’ll get the additional advantage of having the capacity to download up to 100 textual styles in one compacted document. You can peruse the free font styles here by classification, creator, later, and prominence.
Better Fonts
Better Fonts is a website to download free fonts as well as premium fonts in a very low price. You also get to preview the font that you have selected before downloading it. All you have to do is just type the text that you want to be previewed and it comes on the screen in that font. You can select a font from the categories section or you can simple search it by typing in the search bar.
You can very easily download a great many free truetype font styles. It is a very easy to understand and simple to use with a font style review tool enabling you to enter your own content. The more amazing part is you can view what you type on the screen very easily. It is surely going to give you a great experience.
Search Free Fonts
This is a very informative site which contains more than 13,000 fonts which can be downloaded for free. It has a vast number of categories where you can definitely find what you’re looking for easily. You will also be able to see the top free fonts which will make it easier for you to choose a new font. One of the biggest accumulations of freefonts on the web, enables you to peruse by various classes to enable you to channel down to the ideal font style.
A one of a kind font can enable your record to emerge and pull in consideration. An impeccably suited font style can make a plan alluring and fruitful. New SearchFreeFonts accumulation contains more than 13,000 free text styles and more than 91,000 business fonts. Simple to explore by means of classifications and one after another in order.
Discover Fonts
Discover fonts has both free and commercial fonts where you get to see the top font of the day and the most downloaded fonts on homepage. It also has a lot of categories where you can browse for the font you’re looking for or through the search bar. It also provides you a tool for working on your new fonts. There are a hundred thousand advanced font styles (or more) in presence.
The best place to locate the one you’re searching for is to look through this amazing site. Some sort architects give away their fonts for absolutely free, however most sort fashioners and groups) charge cash for the font styles they create. You are sure to find the font that you are looking for in this site. So, go ahead and make the most out of it.
Freebies Bug
Freebies Bug is another website which offers you free fonts for downloading. It also has a great collection of other free things apart from fonts which you can download. You can select a font that you like and download it but you will have to search for it. From fonts and symbols to Illustrator and Photoshop complimentary gifts, Freebies Bug has a huge measure of assets for designers.
They offer an excellent gathering of free fonts, yet they’ve additionally got a not too bad choice of other free assets, including designs, formats, and stock photographs. There is a substantial determination of good quality, extraordinary text styles, and in addition mockups and site formats. Whatever you require, you’re probably going to discover it on this site.
Font Freak
Font Freak is the most visited and largest website for downloading free fonts which contains more than 9000 fonts that you can download for free. It also has commercial fonts over 125,000 which you can purchase for your projects if you want. You can also download all the fonts in one file or can search it by alphabets.
What’s more, on the off chance that you can’t be wasted time with dealing with everything on offer, you can download its whole chronicle of fonts for a little expense. Over more than 125,000 business text styles, Font Freak gloats more than 9,000 free fonts from more than 400 unique originators, arranged sequentially for simple downloading and a large portion of them in both PC and Mac forms.
Dribble is a website which allows you to download free fonts. You just have to do a little searching for that. It also has feedback and suggestions from different visitors which makes it easy for you to get the information about the specific font. Approve, it isn’t so much that horrendous, however Dribble is an awesome asset for getting criticism on things you’re dealing with.
Now and then, you’ll get somebody who utilizes Dribbble more as a special device for something accessible for nothing or download. With some great snooping, you can locate some free (and now and again select) fonts accessible on Dribbble. The greater part of us are specialists, cooped up in our workplaces with nobody to converse with.
Creamundo has a huge selection of free fonts that you can download and use in your projects. You also get to have a preview of the text you enter in a specific font. You can see top favorite and top downloaded fonts on the home screen. Creamundo provides a crate for you to enter test content and see it introduced for a scope of indicated fonts.
It’s really one of the less demanding locales for survey fonts where you can undoubtedly look through fonts without going to another page to take a gander. The main issue is that all fonts are classified by letters in order, so in case you’re searching for a particular style, you’ll need to chase through for them. You can peruse through more than 9,000 free text styles at Creamundo
Artimasa is a design studio with small lettering where you can download amazing and some popular fonts for free. You can also easily preview the font before downloading it. There are both free and paid fonts styles present at this site. You can seek by works, typeface, and free font styles.
Artimasa is a ‘little lettering and sort outline studio with enormous dream’. These folks include all way of various sort outlines, with a couple of well known plans accessible for you to download and appreciate for nothing. You can go ahead and download some delightful fonts for nothing finished on Artimasa. Artimasa’s straightforward site makes it a delight to utilize and look for the ideal font style.
The Northern Block
The Northern Block is a great website for downloading different kinds of fonts having various shapes, design etc which can be downloaded for free. The thumbnail display of the font is very eye-catching when you scroll for finding the fonts. You can download the font you want directly or you can also search for it through the search bar.
Font Book Download For Mac
The Northern Block offers various free textual style outlines. It has been beautifully made by imaginative chief Jonathan Hill in 2006, sort foundry The Northern Block offers various free text styles. From stencil and strong to present day and geometric plans, you’re certain to discover something reasonable for your undertaking here.